Blog – Adspace Africa

Benefits of outdoor advertising explained

Long term brand success needs a long term solution. To re-position your brand, you need to tell a compelling new story, to a large and relevant audience, and in an engaging way.  You also need to do it repeatedly over a long period, to ensure that your new positioning isn’t merely a moment in time, but a long-term focus underlined by a clear consistent message.  It’s not something that can be done overnight. It can’t purely be delivered through short-term activations and a focus on instant Returns on Investment. So brand re-positioning is no different.

For this reason, a OOH and digital integration will deliver a formidable combination for both brand building and brand re-positioning process. In fact, with digital medium evolving at a great pace in recent years, t it is only becoming more vital to combine OOH and digital media.

Strengths of Out of Home (OOH) media

Get the benefits of outdoor advertising

OOH provides a platform to tell a compelling story

People need a daily dose of memes and funny content on social media. Brands are not any different. I recently spotted a billboard in Westlands, Chiromo with a delicious looking burger. The copy is “Don’t eat the billboard, Order Online”. Catchy, right?

The opportunity for brands to deliver more engaging, more compelling and more memorable and funny communications in the medium has increased exponentially.

OOH delivers location-based brand communications to a relevant audience

In this age of hyper targeting, you cannot miss to leverage available location data to make your brand highly relevant. This applies whether the brand intends the consumer to convert online and at the next petrol station. We can also enhance this with programmatic online ads to bride the gap between online and offline.

OOH lets brands communicate in an authentic way

In the era of fake news, click bait and ‘selling snake oil’ or too good to be true products becoming increasingly prevalent; it is vital for brands to display their content in a way that is honest. A billboard or hoarding in the public space commands more public trust compared to other mediums. OOH is the 2nd most trusted advertising medium behind TV.


Well, why not find out what programmatic ooh can do for your brand?